Low VSWR, compact, full waveguide bandwidths, power up to 15 W CW applications.
For further information, please contact us at sales@quinstar.com.
Low VSWR, compact, full waveguide bandwidths, power up to 15 W CW applications.
For further information, please contact us at sales@quinstar.com.
Specifications and Ordering
Our designs are built onsite and upon request. We tailor each order through our sales engineers to better serve your purchase.
QuinStar’s QTG Waveguide Medium-Power Terminations feature a standard waveguide flange interface from 18 – 110 GHz in K through W bands. The termination is a short length of waveguide and an integral matched terminal load. We designed a gradual taper in order to ensure a low VSWR over the full waveguide band. These loads absorb up to 10 Watts of power depending on the frequency band of the waveguide medium-power termination.
Additionally, QuinStar offers a broad line of waveguide terminations in a variety of shapes and styles, power-handling capacities, and cooling methods to suit both typical and special applications.Click here to see QuinStar’s complete line-up of load and termination products.