Optimized for any harmonic number, external diplexer option, high sensitivity, broad bandwidth.
For further information, please contact us at sales@quinstar.com.
Optimized for any harmonic number, external diplexer option, high sensitivity, broad bandwidth.
For further information, please contact us at sales@quinstar.com.
Specifications and Ordering
Our designs are built onsite and upon request. We tailor each order through our sales engineers to better serve your purchase.
QuinStar’s QMH Harmonic Mixers down-convert millimeter-wave signals using lower frequency (microwave) local oscillator in the 2 – 20 GHz frequency range. The down-converted intermediate frequency (IF) is in the 5 MHz – 3 GHz range. Harmonic mixing entails mixing appropriate harmonic N of the local oscillator, generated by the mixer itself, with the RF signal to produce an IF typically in the 5 MHz – 3 GHz range, such that fIF = |N.fLO–fRF|. An external diplexer separates the LO and IF signals.
We can optimize these Harmonic Mixers for either odd or even harmonics of the local oscillator (LO). We can also build QMH to operate on all harmonics, even or odd. Series QMH harmonic mixers have a common SMA port for LO and IF signals, and hence require an external diplexer. We can supply external diplexers to combine/separate LO and IF signals. Several choices of LO & IF ranges are offered as standard products. Typical LO ranges from 1.5 – 20 GHz and IF from DC – 2.5 GHz.
These harmonic mixers are useful for subsystem applications involving frequency sampling such as phase-locked oscillators and frequency linearizers. They are also work well for test and measurement equipment such as spectrum analyzers, frequency counters, and power meters. QMH Harmonic Mixers and Diplexers cover the frequency range of 18 – 110 GHz in seven full waveguide bands.