The Ka-band SSPA provides 1-Watt RF linear output power capable of supporting modulation for data communication. The product consists of an EPC, telemetry and bias boards, an RF hybrid assembly (based on GaAs MMIC device technology, packaged in a hermetically sealed housing), and a waveguide isolator, all in a compact configuration.
The product takes in 28 V nominally, and consumes less than 19 Watt., measured over a protoflight temperature range of -35° to 70° C and under low/high bus voltages at 22 V and 34 V. The SSPA is built to operate with a large number of Mute ON/OFF cycles. Specifically, it has been tested under a PQV experiment to ensure its operability for a 77,000-cycle mission.
The product has been built to meet NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s derating and workmanship standards and is a deliverable for a flight program.
For more information about our Ka-band SSPA, contact us at or submit an RFQ.